Sunday, 21 June 2009

A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS WHO VOTED FOR LANGAR HALL IN THE NOTTINGHAM RESTAURANT AWARDS. We won Best out of Town restaurant for the second year running. To tell the truth we had given up all hope of winning anything as you don't get to win two years running easily and the competition is hot. I was sad that our young chef Paul did not win Young chef of the year as he is so good. Then when were not even nominated for Best local produce I gave up hope and downed that fatal third glass of wine which I regretted when the announcement came. Michael and Pascal helped me up on to the stage where I insisted on making a speech to thank our customers. Then just as I was feeling like 'partying' Michael and Pascal threaded me into a taxi home at 2.30am. My taxi driver came from Afghanistan.
Well, that was a great night shared with hundreds of other restaurant people enjoying the service at Colwick Hall where the wine flowed too generously. No I won't go into the story of Lord Byron and his first love Mary Chaworth at Colwick Hall when he was at the height of his popularity, but if you ask me when you are next here its a great story.
Tickets are selling well for SHAKESPEARE IN THE GARDEN ON SUNDAY AUGUST 16th
This year it is THE MERCHANT OF VENICE performed by the Festival Players. Starting at 3pm.Bring a picnic or this year we are doing a sandwich and wine bar instead of the usual buffet. What do you think about that idea? Good if you want a picnic but forget to make the sandwiches? Please telephone reception for tickets or buy them next time you are here. Its a great day out even when it rains.
News from the garden: Asparagus is finishing now, no more rhubarb but goosberries are filling the gap with delicious goosberry custard tart. The cabbages grown on the new plot are amazing. Beautiful lettuces, broad beans, fresh picked 'wet' garlic, baby leeks, red currants, herbs. Its bonanza time in the kitchen garden where I like to pick sweet peas & cornflowers in the morning for the reception desk.
I was too distracted to do the blog last week when we had the great footballer's wedding. This was an unexpected joy. The guests were delightful and we loved looking after them.
Then Sir Paul Smith was awarded the Queens prize for export last thursday. We are very proud of him and his association with Langar Hall not to mention our invitation to that 'Do' in lovely Willoughby house, his special shop in Nottingham. Pascal and Michael are wearing new Paul Smith shirts, pink with spots. The shirts not the boys.
I still don't know how to read your replies to this blog. Do telephone me if you write one and tell me how to get into your comments. Any bad comments I shall of course learn how to delete!
This is the best time to visit Langar Hall. It is an Island of beauty, trees, pastures, water, flowers and good food and wine. Now lets try to put in a new photo.

Monday, 1 June 2009

The Glorious First of June 1794 Admiral Lord Howe of Langar defeated the French fleet off Ushant in the Bay of Biscay. I won't go on about that because we are rather busy just now. We celebrate the victory every year with a lunch party. Today I invited some distinguished naval men from the 1805 club and the Nelson society, their wives, some Americans (their grain ships sailing to relieve famine in France caused the battle) a descendant of the Admiral, and Pascal representing the French. He refused to have anything to do with the celebrations and like his countrymen before him, fled from the British, shrugging his shoulders in disapproval.
On these perfect summers days people arrive to enjoy sitting in the garden with a glass of wine and stay on for lunch, tea, snacks or dinner. No one wants to leave. The lunch party last sunday stayed until the sun went down. Everyone is happy when the sun shines.
The garden is a dream of poppies, peonies, geraniums, valerium, old roses and now sweet peas. Simply beautiful and all the work of my daughter Louise who is out in all weathers in her wellies and wheelbarrow making it appear absolutely natural. Then there is the kitchen garden with lovely lettuces grown for the salads, herbs and other goodies to come later.
So what news? Nothing much because those special room rates I did last month have been so successful that we are keeping them on. Quite frankly I think £100 a night is just about right for two people including breakfast and £85 for single business men. I really missed the business men in January and Febuary and I am very pleased they are back again. They are the most appreciative guests, no trouble to any one and being regular guests become part of the family.
We had a long visit from the head of Belgium tourism. I told him there was nothing to do here and then thinking again made this list:
Belvoir castle, Belton House, Burleigh, Isaac Newtons birth place, Newak and Swinderby antiqu fairs, Nottingham cricket, football and theatres, Langar wild flower farm, Lincoln catherdral and Southwell Minster, Doddington hall for its farm shop, restaurant and gardens. Then an hour away, Chatsworth, Haddon and Hardwick. Not forgetting that you can be back in London within an hour from Grantham station or soon in Scotland going in the oposite direction. So you see, although I never recognised Langar as a tourist spot, suddenly I realise it is the centre of the best things to visit in the East Midlands. Do come and stay it is just so beautiful just now.
Next week Lila (grandaughter) promises to show me how to read your comments.
Here is wishing you all many happy sunny summer days. Imogen
P.S. We just had a cancellation for the whole house for the duration of the Game Fair at Belvoir so if you would like to go and can't find a room please telephone us asap.