Sunday 9 December 2012

There are a number of theories about the metaphysical significance of the 21.12. 2012
Five ancient calendars end on this day and many thousands of prophecies have predicted man will meet its demise. While some predict  the end of the world others foretell  a time of great metaphysical change and transformation, one in which the human race will evolve from materialism and greed into a new age of spiritual intuition and consciousness . That is why we are having a party at Langar Hall.
 No doubt we shall wake in the morning finding nothing changed apart from a killer hangover.

The Mayan Calendar
The Mayan calendar started 13th August 11,314BC and ends 21st December 2012 when an incredibly rare galactic alignment is said to occur, marking the end of days as we know it and a new beginning

The Hopi tribes of Native America who live in the arid highlands of  Arizona, have inhabited the same place for a millennium. They pass warnings and prophecies from generation to generation through oral traditions and reference to ancient rock pictographs & carved stone tablets.
An ancient Hopi  prophecy states “When the Blue star Kachina (Sirius) makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge. This is the Day of Purification. Something in our souls tells us that change is happening on a global consciousness level.'"

The Hindu prophesies 
 The ancient Hindu Yuga calendar and Mayan calendar  started within months of each other, 40+ thousand years ago.  Both calendars end on 21.12 1012 predicting a rebirth of our planet. The age of Kali, the age of corruption and destruction, is the final cycle of the Hindu calendar.  Then there will be a new beginning when the start of a Golden age is predicted.

The Chinese I-Ching Time Wave Theory
In China, there is no doomsday prediction. On the contrary, China has one prophecy regarding to 2012 from Ching 清 Dynasty. It said that a wise man will appear to make the world prosperous and peaceful in the year of Black Dragon.

Nostradamus prophesizes the end of time. The Galactic Alignment brings great misery for mankind. It will rain blood, milk, famine and pestilential rain will wipe out the Northern hemisphere. In the sky will be seen a fire. And worse!    Hopefully not all on the night of our party.

1,000 of prophets over time have predicted ‘Mankind will meet its demise” on 21 12.12. There are even high security, underground stores of seeds and survival stuff buried in the Arctic under the ice. See old discovery channel documentary 'The Nostradamus Effect."

NASA scientists confirm the galactic alignment of the winter solstice and the Milky Way, the first such alignment since the beginning of human civilization, will give rise to every imaginable horror. Solar storms reaping destruction. A new ice age, life as we know it will shut down, clouds of dust from volcanoes, 30 years with no sun, no food, no electricity, farmland devastated by salt water etc etc
No web? That's unthinkable! I'd rather die at Langar but don't let's spoil the party.

However there is no scientific evidence to suggest that the alignment of the Winter Solstice and the Milky Way will result in any galactic catastrophe. We may read into these vague clocks what we choose. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” I can’t imagine any asteroid would be interested in landing at Langar Hall.  Let's  Eat drink and be Merry.

 Keep on keeping on and on and on.  Best wishes  Imogen

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